
Kyra OserKyra Oser is a radio host and certified hypnotherapist in America and Canada, and her radio show featuring psychic channeling and tarot predictions has aired live since 2011 in partnership with producers that include KKNW Seattle, Goddess Media UK, and CBS Radio. Her prognostications are featured on NBC News, ABC News, Yahoo Finance, and MarketWatch.

Kyra is a Ph.D. student who is studying to be a historian while serving as a teaching and research assistant. Her research activities range from altered states of consciousness and shamanism to ecocriticism, and she started a subsidiary movement to Fridays for Future under the name of “Fasting Fridays for Future”, in which she has been 1) fasting and 2) striking from working and shopping every Friday since September 2019 to help raise awareness about the climate crisis.

You can read more of Kyra’s psychic and tarot predictions about U.S. and world politics on her News from the Future blog at Kyra Oser or at Twitter – @KyraOser