
Born with Uranus on the Midheaven and Jupiter rising, Joanne spent her teenage years working as an actress in Australian film, television and theatre. She was then bitten by the travel bug and decamped to foreign shores where she studied macrobiotics and shiatsu in London; meditated at Stonehenge; explored the medinas of Marrakech; lived with gypsy poets in the caves above Granada (in Spain); and was blessed by a Balian priest during a lunar eclipse at Kalibukbuk (in Indonesia). But the astrology muse kept calling…

“When I was 12, I read Sun Signs by Linda Goodman (we share the same birthday) and was immediately hooked. Then, when I was 21, I had a horoscope reading with the amazing Athena Starwoman, who predicted I would one day be a well-known astrologer. So I started studying astrology formally, and have never looked back … “

Joanne has been a professional astrologer and writer since 1994. She has a Practitioner’s Certificate (from the Federation of Australian Astrologers), a BA degree in journalism (from Deakin University) and a Diploma in Education (from La Trobe University). She has also studied with life coach leader Tony Robbins, soul coach teacher Denise Linn and women’s wellness pioneer Dr Christiane Northrup.

Joanne’s book ‘Love and Sex Signs’ was originally published by Simon and Schuster, and is now available as an eBook. Her daily, weekly and yearly horoscopes are currently published in over 40 newspapers and magazines (and on websites) in the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the South Pacific. (Sales and syndication are handled by her agents Auspac Media and Canadian Artists Syndicate.) Joanne also does personal consultations for celebrity clients around the world.

Joanne lives near the scenic Great Ocean Road (in southern Australia) with her Indonesian-speaking musician husband; two surfing Gemini sons; six chooks; two ducks; Dusty (the Diva Dog) and one blind magpie. She enjoys music, movies, meditation, reading, cooking vegetarian meals, travelling, walking barefoot on the beach and tending her two-acre permaculture garden.

Boho Astro